Blood Test (CardioChek PA Analyzer)
Recognizing the strong connection between heart attack, stroke, and diabetes, the CardioChek® Plus analyzer provides rapid on-site blood chemistry values and measurements to help identify at-risk individuals.
It’s one of the fastest, most cost-e cient, and user-friendly analyzers. The CardioChek Plus system accurately tests lipid pro le and glucose simultaneously with one ngerstick. In as little as 90 seconds, it provides on-site results using the same technology as clinical laboratories.
For custom bulk orders, pricing inquiries, or product dating and pricing please contact
Wide Variety of Test Strips Provides Medical | Professionals Flexibility
• LDL Cholesterol
• TC/HDL Ratio
• LDL/HDL Ratio
• Non-HDL Cholesterol
• Total Cholesterol
• HDL Cholesterol
• Triglycerides
• Glucose